Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Season

This holiday season seems so strange, it hardly seems like Christmas. Much of the difference is this is our little one's first holiday so it should be full on, but it's not. We have up the tree and decorations, we have done most of the shopping, but this is the first night it has gotten cold enough to be considered "winter". Now that alarms most of us here at bath central, global warming here we come, or should I say "climate change" to be PC.
I know that it will be a joyous season but I just don't seem to be hearing the carols in my head.
Could be the stress of our day jobs (they have been hectic lately), or that we didn't go to any holiday parties this year. I finally took a soak and felt all the stresses; it was like a heavy weight on my heart that slowly melted into the water. I am truly looking forward to the coming days off to spend with the family and around the home.
That seems to be my favorite place lately, home. Sewing cloths for us, making holiday gifts, cooking awesome dinners, and trying to keep up with the weeds in my garden. Oh the hearth is where the heart lives.
Blessings to all this season.

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