So today for lunch it's homemade gnocchi out of some of the mashed potatoes (I have a gallon freezer bag full, this only used half of it)

2 cups mashed potatoes
1 beaten egg
1 cup or more flour (I had to add more than a cup because my potatoes were very moist)
1/2 teaspoon salt
I mixed everything in the kitchenaid with a dough hook. Then on a floured surface I divided into four balls, and each ball was pinched and pulled into about a two inch thick row (nothing too neat). Take a fork and cut the row into half inch pillows. Toss into boiling water and remove after they float.
Now I know the right way to make them, and I can tell you from experience they do not taste any different, sorry food purists. I have also frequently bought the packaged variety, and they are good too, and when you just have to have them they are great. Homemade can be so tender and just like little clouds of deliciousness, and only took about fifteen minutes to make.

The sauce is just a jar variety with some diced leftover ham, yeah I'm not interested in authentic just taste.
Head Bather