The store on wheels is not new. In the past there were traveling stores, peddlers traveled across the country selling things that people might need, or they thought they might need. Now I love to shop and the idea that my new favorite store might not be there tomorrow is a bummer to me, but heck I remember what a party line is and still send things via snail mail. I just realized the other day my kid may never know how to operate a rotary phone, but plays video games better than her mama. So I might be a bit of a stick in the mud around change, I get that.
But I could totally see traveling like this from show to show. Though I think this is more a permanent solution and not a road heavy home, like a small airstream.
But the people at the Tiny House Blog have some great gypsy wagons and small home plans, some so nice I just can't believe it!
Head Bather